Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have been tagged, by red blood cells in his blog more than a week ago but was too busy to answer his tag. But since i am kinda free for a month or so, and have nothing to do and tired of rearranging furniture in my room, and then rearranged it back to the original position again, after i realised the original position was actually better, i might as well answer the tag.

I love tag, it gives us idea what to write, especially when your life comprises of only 3 main activities which are to dream what your future would be and wish that you will be richer, sulking on your boring daily routine activities and wish you are in thailand or mumbai right now where there are actually interesting activities going around, and regrating your past and wish you were born with singing talent and extremely good looking for you can make money by entertaining people instead of something else, answering tag is actually productive.

For your information (yes the three of you, please look like you are interested please), Red blood Cell was a student of mine, while i was teaching in the previous university, before i am attached to the new one, which by now most would already guess where it is.

And Red Blood cell is now a lecturer too.

He is a living proof of my achievement.

Eh wait a minute, i did not teach him, he was in a different tutorial class, but i did coach his friends and him Nasyid.

But the examination question papers that he had to sit for last time was set by me, so in a way, i did have impact on his future.


Anyway, lets answer some tag shall we.

The First tag

5 things bout Dzeng

5 Things In My Bag

1. My laptop
2. My Wallet
3. My contact lenses and mini saline solution
4. My camera
5. Ciggy & lighters

5 Things In My Wallet

1. Some cash
2. My IC and license
3. My ATM and credit cards, and bonus point cards
4. ATM slip
5. Pictures of 2 important individuals in my life

5 Favourite Things Dalam Bilik

1. My Bed (although i usually sleep on the floor, and i throw everything else on the bed)
2. my computers
3. My lovely square vase which is now an ash-tray
4. my books and novels
5. and more books

5 Things yang Ingin Dilakukan

1. visit europe
2. get a PhD and a VK7 status
3. Get laid (hehehe, just kidding), stop being lonely once and for all
4. own a single story bungalow with 10 acres of land infront and at the backyard, with small lake and few swans swimming in it (some black and some white ones).
5. Own a gun

5 Things yang Sering Dilakukan

1. sleeping...
2. daydreaming
3. websurfing, and reading blogs
4. eating out and Lepak with friend at mamak and gossiping like there is no tomorrow as if everyone else is bad and should go to hell.
5. watching people

The second tag

7 Fakta Tentang saya
7 fakta tentang saya :

1. sensitive
2. I think to much and i plan to much too.
3. Boros
4. Malas
5. Like to do things the easy way
6. Non artistic
7. too oppinionated

7 perkara menakutkan saya di dunia :

1. mati
2. orang yang saya sayang mati
3. takut hantu
4. takut binatang berbisa
5. takut dengan orang yang suka menyampai (sebab saya suka bercerita)
6. takut dengan penipu
7. perang

7 lagu buat masa skrg :

1. Fix you : coldplay
2. viva la vida : coldplay
3. Say : One republic
4. Bila rasaku ini rasa mu : Keris patih
5. Deep purple : soldier of fortune
6. Crush : David Archuleta
7. How to save a life : The fray

7 perkara selalu sebut :

1. Ko dah kenapa?
2. Nak kena pukul?
3. Tu lah tu
4. Pastu
5. No
6. Boleh?
7. Maybe


7 perkara yang amat bernilai :

1. My mom
2. (still searching)
3. my family
4. my friends
5. my consciences
6. my mental faculty
7. smiles


7 pertama kali dalam hidup saya :

1. My first real headache
2. first bus ride to kelantan
3. my first arm robbery(not mine, i was the victim)
4. first being Emcee
5. My first real enemy
6. my first complete McDonalds' premium item collection (the cocacola glass)
7. My first orgasm, hik just kidding


7 org bertuah menjawab tag ni :

1. Dopey
2. Grumpy
3. Doc
4. Bashful
5. Sleepy
6. Sneezy
7. Happy


8. Snow white


raden putra said...


amy-irol said...

lalala..uols kena tagged

Red_Blood_Cells said...


hehehe... interesting info !!!